88 THE PRINCIPLES OF wife would look down upon him, caused much hilarity among Soviet teachers. They call that bourgeois psychology. I have been present at many committees and staff meetings and can testify to the extraordinary comradeship and readiness to help that exists between men and women teachers, apparently because they are all working for the same cause. A married woman teacher has six weeks1 leave before pregnancy and six weeks after pregnancy with full pay. The crfeche and the nursery- infant school, which are at her disposal, enable her to pursue her profession without detriment to her biological functions. Marriage is not considered a crime for which the professional woman must be punished by loss of her post. The equality that applies to the sexes applies equally to the more than 160 nationalities that inhabit the U.S.S.R. The Soviets do not consider any races to be subject races, therefore there is no discrimination in education. When grants are made by the central authority, considerably larger sums are allotted propor- tionately to the backward regions. Education must be given in the native language, and gradually, as economic and cultural conditions permit, schools and even higher educational institutions are being organised in the most distant and backward areas. There were almost insuperable difficulties to overcome. Many of the nationalities had no written alphabet, so that ethno- graphic expeditions had to be sent to these districts to create alphabets. When, after considerable time, this was achieved, sets of textbooks had to be written, with due regard for local conditions and stages of development. Up to date seventy-four new alphabets have been created. A great deal of study and investigation into local conditions were required before the curriculum could be fixed and the syllabuses drawn up. Both were made very elastic to allow for any necessary changes. The school day was made an hour longer and five years was the period given to reach the stage of the primary school. After some years of education it was found that the so-called back- ward peoples when given the right environment were able to